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Restored Chalices

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Refurbished Chalices Bring Fine Craftsmanship to Each Eucharistic Celebration

Restored Used Chalices for Sale at T.H. Stemper

T.H. Stemper restores hundreds of used church supplies to their original beauty each year. You can bring the elegance of a re-plated antique chalice to your parish’s communion ceremony by ordering one of our one-of-a-kind restored Catholic sacred vessels. You’ll feel the solemnity of sharing the sacred rite with generations of participants while holding any of these historical pieces. 

A Wide Selection of Restored Communion Chalices

We come across all different types of chalices, from German and gothic designs made from sterling silver, to paten and chalice sets made from silver plating.

Our restored chalice inventory is in constant rotation, so if you don’t see anything you like today, be sure to check back later!

Used Chalices Made New Again at T.H. Stemper

We transform chalices in nearly any condition to their previous glory and help find them new homes in parishes across the country. No matter if they’re heavily tarnished, stained or missing pieces, we’ll restore any chalice.

Shop a variety of restored sacred vessels online at T.H. Stemper.