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Ambry Product No. K-22
SKU 709
Gothic Ambry Product No. 709
SKU 727
Ambry Product No. 727
SKU 718
Ambry Product No. 718

Church Ambries for Sale Online at T.H. Stemper. CO

T.H. Stemper offers ambries in a range of styles, materials, and finishes, so you’re sure to find the perfect piece to fit your church sanctuary’s decorative style. From gothic to modern designs, with glass or wooden shelves, and in recessed or standalone styles, T.H. Stemper has the variety suitable to serve most church styles and needs. We also have a wide selection of ambries for sale on consignment. Our wood stain options include:

  • Amber
  • Antique and regular cherry
  • Dark Oak
  • Fruitwood
  • Golden Oak
  • Harvest Oak
  • Walnut
  • Rosewood
  • Sienna
  • …and more

Church Ambry Usage

Christian churches often employ an ambry as a secure container for chalices and other sacred vessels. The Roman Catholic Church, however, forbids storage of the Eucharist in an ambry, requiring reservation of the sacrament to be in a tabernacle, or a pyx when mobility is needed. Instead, the Catholic Church most often uses ambries for housing sacramental oil vessels like the Oil of the Catechumens, Oil of the Sick, and Sacred Chrism.

Shop online for church furniture and sanctuary appointments with T.H. Stemper.