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SKU c1019-001
Plaster Pieta Statue Product No. c1019-001
SKU C577-164
16" Wood Carved Holy Family Product No. C577-164
SKU C577-122
SKU C556-001
SKU C555-010
SKU C452-067
SKU C199-080
6-3/4" Wood Carved St Stephen Product No. C199-080
SKU C199-075
SKU c098-046
SKU c039-005
32" St. Anne & Child Product No. c039-005
SKU C1031-003
44" Bronze Sanctuary Stand Product No. C1031-003
SKU C1031-002
8" Crystal Goblet Product No. C1031-002
SKU C1031-001
8 1/2" Crystal Goblet Product No. C1031-001
SKU C452-169
SKU C428-023
SKU C428-018
SKU C452-168
SKU C452-167
SKU C452-166
SKU C452-165
SKU C452-164
SKU C452-163
SKU C452-162
8" Chapel Ciborium Product No. C452-162
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Newly Listed Used Church Products for Sale Online

The Stemper Religious Products and Church Supplies Consignment Center has many used and secondhand products available for sale. We continually have new items available including:

Contact T.H. Stemper to learn more about our ever-changing inventory of used church furnishings. You can visit our Milwaukee store to see which pieces are available for viewing and purchase.

Buy and Sell Church Supplies Online

Whether you need church furniture or have supplies to sell, we will assist you in finding an affordable solution. We even provide sacred vessel refinishing services for consignment items you wish to have restored. Quotes upon request.

The majority of all the sales generated in our Consignment Center go back to the consignee. The seller earns money, the buyer saves money, and we have made sure the religious products are back in proper church use.

High-Quality Used Church Equipment

Our inventory features communion chalices, candelabras, tabernacles, and authenticated church statues ready for sacred use. From sanctuary appointments and religious vestments to processional crosses and communion supplies, parishes will find high-quality used church equipment at significant savings. Each piece meets our rigorous standards while helping religious communities stretch their budgets further.

Browse our newest consignment products or contact our church consignment center online.