All Categories>Consignment>Statuary & Art>Statuary & Reliefs>Nativities


16" Woodcarved Nativity Set Product No. C675-023
SKU C363-025
SKU C363-026
SKU C363-027
SKU C363-028
SKU C578-001
SKU C421-113
4pc Wood Carved Nativity Set Product No. C421-113
SKU C078-001
SKU C098-109
5 1/4" ANRI Nativity Scene Product No. C098-109
SKU C428-023

Nativity sets for Christmas

Celebrate the real reason for the season with Christian and Catholic nativities. Nativity sets were first created by Saint Francis of Assisi and have since become a popular Christian tradition. Our nativities are intricate celebrations of what the holiday is all about. Made out of fiberglass resin and coated in durable paint, our selection of nativity scenes won't disappoint. 

We also sell nativity sets for outdoor church yard use. These nativity sets come in large sizes of to up 59" - perfect for an eye-catching display at your church. 

Didn't find the nativity set you're looking for? Contact T.H. Stempers - we'll find it for you.