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First Communion Kits

SKU 12269
SKU 12328
SKU 89945291094
SKU 41478
5pc Boy's Communion Set Product No. 41478
SKU 12278
SKU 12279
SKU 42658
SKU 42659
SKU 5281
SKU 5271
SKU 5270
SKU 26288
Boys 4 pc. Communion Set Product No. 26288
SKU 41479
SKU 12268

Shop First Communion Kits Online

Your child’s First Holy Communion is one of their most important rites of passage and will be remembered forever. Prepare your child with all the necessary supplies on his or her special day with a First Communion Kit. T. H. Stemper has the best selection of First Communion Gift Sets and Kits for boys and girls, some of which include a rosary, First Communion pin, religious bookmark, prayer card, wallet, mass book and laminated scapular. Your child will feel prepared and proud of their First Communion Kit. The little extras make all the difference on your child’s special day. Outfit your child with our First Communion Kits and give them a memorable keepsake to treasure for a lifetime.

Purchase First Communion Kits below or make your own customized Mass Kit with mass book, rosary and other religious accessories.

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