Mediterranean Fan Palm Decor
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Mediterranean Fan Palm for Lent/Easter Decor in Church and Home
Our Mediterranean fan palm comes packaged 8 per bag. The abbreviated splay of fan palms makes them perfect for home and church decor for Lent/Easter.
The Mediterranean fan eco-friendly palm. These are actual desert palm like those found in the Holy Land - not ferns from Central America. Mediterranean fan palms are grown to full maturity, harvested and regrown in America with above-and-beyond environmental stewardship and social responsibility. Our palm frond supplier creates hundreds of jobs for those living in one of the lowest economic areas of the U.S. and donates a portion of sales to non-profit organizations supplying environmental and humanitarian aid.
Whether seeking ashes for Ash Wednesday, station of the cross statuary, holy water vessels or other church goods, T. H. Stempers has you covered. Hands down, we offer the best selection of high quality, competitively priced new and used church goods.