All Categories>Candles>Paschal Candles>Dadant Fos Aionios™ Paschals

Dadant Fos Aionios™ Paschals


SKU 60540
Aureum Paschal Candles Product No. 60540
Starting at $185.30
SKU 69840
Starting at $86.80
SKU 60537
Starting at $185.30
SKU 69837
Starting at $86.80
Crown of Thorns Paschal
Crown of Thorns Paschal Product No. 60539
Starting at $185.30
Crown of Thorns Side Candles (Pair)
Starting at $86.80
SKU 60524
Journey Paschal Candles Product No. 60524
Starting at $185.30
SKU 60543
Divinity Paschal Candles Product No. 60543
Starting at $185.30
Journey Side Altar Candles 1-1/2" x 12"
Starting at $86.80
SKU 60531
Serenity Paschal Candles Product No. 60531
Starting at $185.30
SKU 69831
Starting at $86.80

Dadant Fos Aionios™ Paschals Provide Eternal Light

“Fos Aionios™” is a Greek title, harkening back to the original language of the New Testament. The term is Greek for light which is ageless, eternal, unending or timeless. These Paschal candles are never mass-produced. They are hand-fashioned with intricate designs and diligent attention to detail. The designs are precise. The colors are vibrant. Each candle is 51% beeswax, providing excellent brightness and long life.

Paschal Candles Featuring Alpha and Omega

These Paschal candles are a superb combination of traditional and contemporary. Many feature the Greek letters Alpha and Omega, signifying “The Beginning and the End” – the title given to Christ in the Book of Revelation. Matching ornamental side candles are also available for each of these beautiful designs, augmenting the presence of the Paschal candles. The side candles are sold in pairs and are quite suitable to stand by themselves at any worship celebration or observance. T.H. Stemper is your prime online source for the finest-quality Paschal candles.

Browse the full line of hand made Paschal candles for sale from T. H. Stemper Co.