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Serenity Paschal Candles

Product Numbers: 60531, 59531, 60831, 61031, 61131, 61231, 58431, 61331, 61431, 61531, 62331, 61631, 68031, 68131
SKUs: 60531, 59531, 60831, 61031, 61131, 61231, 58431, 61331, 61431, 61531, 62331, 61631, 68031, 68131

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Buy Fos Aionios Serenity Candles With Hand Fashioned Patterns

The Fos Aionios Serenity Candles merge traditional style with modern looks and innovation. The 51% beeswax Paschal Candles feature excellent burning qualities while offering a beautiful aesthetic design. The Fox Aionios Serenity candles include a hand fashioned pattern in vibrant blue. The design includes Alpha and Omega symbols as well as a peace dove. T.H. Stempers Church Supplies offers a wide variety of size options including heights ranging from 44” to 61” and widths from 1 1/16” to 4”. These Paschal candles are perfect for any religious occasion including weddings, funeral services and seasonal church services like Easter or Lent. T.H. Stempers provides only the best in new and used church goods. Whether you’re looking for seasonal church items for sale or Paschal candle accessories, you can count on T.H. Stempers online church supply store.

Buy Fos Aionios Serenity Candles today or shop all church candles for sale online.


Paschal Candle Holder Nonremovable
SKU K-221
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Benedictine Paschal Candle - 1-1/2 x 34
Benedictine Paschal Candles Product No. 80402001
Starting at $79.30
SKU 69831
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Church Supplies & Religious Apparel for Catholic, Orthodox, and All Other Christian Denominations for Sale Online and In-Store 

T.H. Stemper Co. sells chalices, Mass kits, beeswax candles, church statues, religious home décor, used church furniture and more. From albs and cassocks to stoles and clergy shirts to custom chasubles and chasubles for every liturgical season, we have all the religious apparel you'll ever need. Whether you are a religious leader or an active member of your church looking for Catholic and Christian gifts and  supplies, at T.H. Stemper Co., we either have what you need or we'll find it for you.  

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