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Paschal Candles

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Messiah Paschal
Messiah Paschal Candle Product No. 80869020
Starting at $109.20
Messiah Side Altar Candles
Starting at $79.70
SKU 79867040
Lilium Paschal Candle Product No. 79867040
Starting at $234.00
Out of Stock
SKU 79986726
Lilium Altar Candles (Pair) Product No. 79986726
Starting at $124.00
Out of Stock
Lamb of God Paschal
Starting at $496.94
Out of Stock
Crown of Thorns Paschal
Crown of Thorns Paschal Product No. 60539
Starting at $185.30
Out of Stock
Crown of Thorns Side Candles (Pair)
Starting at $86.80
Out of Stock
SKU 13A69
Starting at $475.29
SKU 13A70
Starting at $444.71
SKU 60540
Aureum Paschal Candles Product No. 60540
Starting at $185.30
Out of Stock
SKU 69840
Starting at $86.80
Out of Stock
SKU 13A72
Starting at $478.90
SKU 13A73
Starting at $466.73
Agnus Dei Paschal
Starting at $470.78
Walk by Faith Paschal Candle
Starting at $466.73
SKU 13A77
Starting at $495.13
SKU 13A78
Starting at $495.13
SKU 80865020
Starting at $112.60
SKU 80986525
Starting at $79.70
Upon This Rock Paschal Candle
Starting at $250.00
Out of Stock
SKU 79986426
Starting at $132.00
Out of Stock
Evangelium Paschal Candle - 1 15/16" x 39"
Evangelium Paschal Candles Product No. 79704001
Starting at $250.00
Out of Stock
Evangelium Altar Candles - 1.5 x 17 (Pair)
Starting at $128.00
Out of Stock
Coronation of Christ Paschal Candle
Starting at $79.30
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Buy Paschal Candle for Easter Season

Luke 24 Altar Candles for Holy WeekCentrally placed, large and beautiful, the Paschal candle is one of the first things people notice when they enter a church during the Easter season. This year, get a stunning Easter candle your congregation will love. T. H. Stemper Co, a leading distributor of church candles, has a large selection of Paschal candles to choose from. Get a lovely candle with gold accents or eye-catching green accents. Our selection of Paschal candles lets you pick exactly the right color, height and diameter to fit perfectly in your church. We even have matching altar candles available to present a great, unified appearance.

Paschal Candles Light the Glory of Easter

The Paschal candle (also referred to as the "Easter candle" or the "Christ candle") is a large, white liturgical candle. Its flame symbolizes the eternal presence of Jesus among believers. He is the Alpha and Omega (The Beginning and the End) and lives eternally with His people. Every Easter, a new Paschal candle is blessed and lit. This practice is common in Western Churches. In the Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches of the Byzantine rite, the Paschal trikirion is used.

Throughout the year, the candle is sometimes relit for special occasions such as baptisms or funerals. The term "Paschal" in Hebrew means Passover. Christ was crucified shortly before the beginning of a Passover and resurrected in its aftermath. The Paschal candle is normally the largest candle in the worship space. In ancient days, some Paschal candles were immense. The Paschal candle of Salisbury Cathedral was 36 feet tall.

Understanding the Paschal Candle’s Symbolism

Holy Trinity Candle SetThe symbol of the cross is always central, identifying the candle as a Paschal candle. The Greek letters Alpha and Omega reflect Christ’s title as the Beginning and the End (from the New Testament Book of Revelation). Traditionally, five incensed nails are introduced to the candle representing the five wounds of Christ on the cross (three nails in His feet and hands, the spear into His side and the crown of thorns on His head). The flame represents the eternal presence of our Savior living forever with His people.

Today, in the United States and Southern Europe, Paschal candles are about 2 inches in diameter and three to four feet high. In Northern Europe the candles are shorter and wider. T.H. Stemper Co. has a large selection of Paschal candles in many heights and diameters to bring this wonderful element to your Easter worship celebration.

Large Selection of Paschal Candles

Paschal candles have always been a staple in Catholic and Christian Easter and Passover mass. T. H. Stemper Co. understands the importance of incorporating these long burning candles into those special religious holiday church services. Our variety of Christian paschal candles and Catholic Easter candles include Passover candles, altar candles, cathedral candles and Christian candle accessories. T. H. Stemper Co. has the best selection of unique candles to perfectly reflect your particular church ambiance. With the biggest variety of church candles at the best prices you can always find the perfect church candle for every religious holiday. Let the Lord’s flame shine bright in your church with our beautiful paschal candles available in a variety of styles and designs.

Shop Paschal Candles above or shop our entire selection of church supplies.